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Born into a millionaire family, Meier is not only a performance artist, but a millionaire industrialist, a professional poker player, and also one time member of the Swiss national golf team. As a conceptual artist, he has been keeping himself busy with many art exhibitions. In 1972 as part of Documenta 5, Meier installed a commemorative plaque at the railway station in Kassel (Germany) which read: « On March 23 1994, from 3 to 4 pm, Dieter Meier will stand on this plaque ». He honored the promise 22 years later. Meier directed numerous films and videos, including German music group Alphaville’s « Big in Japan » video. Along with Talking Heads vocalist David Byrne, Dieter was a guest artist on the X-Press 2 album Muzikizum. He performed lead vocals on the single « I Want You Back ». In the 90s music took a backseat as Meier continued his performance art, designed silk scarves and was involved with ReWATCH, a company that recycles cans into watches. However, two more Yello albums did surface. In the late nineties he bought 2200 hectares of land in Argentina, 4 hours drive from Buenos Aires. The ranch is named « Ojo de Agua ». His restaurant and store in Zurich has the same name from which he sells wine, meat, corn and soy products. Meier also serves as on the board of Euphonix, a company that produces technology used in recording studios.


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