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He began working in the cinema as assistant director Joaquim Pedro de Andrade in the priest and the girl. Born in Sao Paulo, he moved to Rio de Janeiro in the 60s, where he studied film promoted by UNESCO and the Foreign Ministry and conducted by Arne Sucksdorff in 1962 and graduated in political and social sciences at the PUC. For Joaquim Pedro, rode Macunaíma, The conspiracy and marital War. He rode four films of Glauber Rocha – also worked with other directors of the Cinema Again, as Leon Hirszman and. In 1969, he directed the documentary short film Vision of Juazeiro, and made his first feature, Lesson in love, inspired by Mario de Andrade. As editor, he acted in several films by different directors and styles (Eduardo Coutinho, José Joffily). From the decade of 1990, he gave new impetus to his side of documentary filmmaking, especially the films of a historical trilogy: 1930 – Time of Revolution, 32 – The Civil War and 35 – The taking of power. In 2005, he published a book with its chronic and tests on the cinema. In 2008, he won the ABC, the Brazilian Association of Cinematography, the issue of long-Santiago (2007), Joao Moreira Salles. Current projects are The blows of the Estado Novo and I speak from the heart, which depicts alternative forms of political activity in the Northeast.


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