Stella is a director and award-winning screenwriter who grew up in Maceió, Alagoas. Stella holds a degree in Cinema from FAAP/São Paulo, and a European Master’s in Screenwriting from the Kino Eyes program. She has worked for some of Brazil's leading production companies. The short she did in Estonia was selected in more than 50 festivals, including Tallinn Black Nights, Brussels Short, and Odense. She was recently selected for the European Short Pitch in France and for the 2024 Pustnik Residency. Her comedy short, “Party Pastel” will be shot in Brazil in 2025. Her directorial debut, “Golden Shower,” premiered at IndieLisboa 2024 and selected for the Kurtzfilmtage Winterthur in Switzerland. She'll join the Factory with her 1st feature project "Daughters of the Mangrove".