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Les Amoureux

Quinzaine 1994 | Feature film | 1 h 28

After two years of absence spent sowing her wild oats, Viviane is back to Montherné, a little town in the Ardennes where her parents and her youngest half-brother are living. Through this big sister, idealized because of such a long absence, this 15-year-old schoolboy is going to learn painfully how to become independent and to discover how to take care of himself. Viviane decides to protect Marc without hiding anything of her turbulent life. They go on trips to Belgium, they spend sleepless nights and give away some intimate confidences which break with the monotonous life Marc was used to. Watched by this silent witness, gestures are taking place, bodies are getting very close, embraces and complicities are striking up. While the young woman gives way for the fever of love, the teenager gives way to his urges and turns decidedly his back to the world of childhood by taking the plunge into the unknown.

Artistic & technical sheet

Isabelle Nanty
Loïc Maquin
Nathalie Richard
Olaf Lubazenko
Pascal Cervo
Xavier Beauvois

Catherine Corsini, Pascale Breton

Ivan Kozelska

Laurent Poirier

Agnès Guillemot

“La Femme aux bijoux” (Benech/Dumont), “Aline” (Christophe), “Toujours envie” (Pascale Dubroca

Set decoration
Laurent Allaire

PRODUCTION : Rezo Films VENTE A L’ETRANGER : Mercure Distribution


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