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Une langue universelle

Universal Language

Quinzaine 2024 | Feature film | 89 min | Canada
World premiere

In order to visit his ailing mother, the introverted Matthew leaves Montreal to return to his native Winnipeg. But time and space seem to have been inverted in this absurdist, deadpan comedy: strangely enough, everyone in the isolated Canadian metropolis speaks Farsi. And look: like in a Kiarostami's film, two children are embarking on a quest that Matthew gets caught up in, too. Both a declaration of love to Iranian culture and a meditation on the curious geographical and mental space of the elusive giant that is Canada.

Artistic & technical sheet


Rojina Esmaeili (Negin), Saba Vahedyousefi (Nazgol), Mani Soleymanlou (Iraj Bilodeau), Matthew Rankin (Matthew/Massoud), Pirouz Nemati (Massoud/Matthew)


Matthew Rankin, Pirouz Nemati, Ila Firouzabadi


Pablo Villegas, Sacha Ratclliffe, Bernard Gariépy Strobl


Amir Amiri, Christophe Lamarche-Ledoux


Metafilms Inc. (Canada)
Sylvain Corbeil
+1 514-985-0340 


Isabelle Stachtchenko

Production design
For press
Screenings in Cannes

Théâtre Croisette - 05/18/2024 8.45 am 

Théâtre Croisette - 05/18/2024 5.30 pm 

Cinéma Alexandre III - 05/19/2024 11.30 am 

Cinéma Le Raimu - 05/19/2024 4.30 pm 

Cinéma Les Arcades / Salle 1 - 05/19/2024 10.30 pm


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